Taipei Backyard Ultra Details

台北 Backyard Ultra 資訊

We’ve tried to limit the elevation of the 6.71km-loop (4.1667 mile) while still providing a course that is pleasing to the eyes. You’ll be running mostly on paved paths with a few hills and over 2 pedestrian bridges.

我們盡力把可跑性提升(減少爬升)同時設計一條結合天然地形的 6.71公里路線。有柏油路、有小坡還有美麗的行人天橋。

The event is organized by Runivore, hosts of Explore Your Backyard trail race series and Beat the Sunset endurance event. We’re very excited to bring together top endurance athletes from Taiwan and abroad.

由 Explore Your Backyard 與 Beat the Sunset 主辦 Runivore 為大家引進一場獨一無二的耐力和意志力挑戰,邀請國內外的耐力好手共襄盛舉。

We plan on growing this event so that the winners can qualify for regional and global championships.

Taipei Backyard Ultra follows the rules as specified by Lazarus Lake (aka LAZ – founder of the famous Barkley Marathons) and the team at

The rules are simple.

1. Runners will run the 6.71 kilometer (4.1667 mile) loop every hour until just one person is standing. The significance of the distance is that if you complete 24 hours of the backyard ultra – you will have run 100 miles (a significant achievement in ultra running).

2. Once the loop starts, you have one hour to complete it. You can run it in 30 minutes or 59 minutes…but that’s not the point. You must be back to the start line within one hour or you’re disqualified.

3. If you finish early, you have a bit of time to rest and refuel.

4. You just must be in the start corral when the next hour starts. if you’re not, you are eliminated.

5. If you do not finish within the hour, you are eliminated from the race. You must also report to the race timing marshal if you no longer want to continue.

6. The race ends when there is only one last runner able to run the final lap. Meaning – all the other runners have dropped out of the race.

台北後花園極限繞圈賽遵守Lazarus Lake(世界後花園繞圈賽及巴克利極限馬拉松的創辦者)及其團隊


1. 以一小時跑完 一圈 6.71公里,直到剩下最後一位跑者為止。

2. 每圈計時開始後,跑者必須在一小時內回到會場,你可用30分鐘或59分鐘完成,但速度不是重點。

3. 跑完一圈回到會場,可以利用剩下的時間休息、補給。

4. 每小時的整點,你必須站在起跑線上。如果不在場,則會被淘汰。

5. 如過在一小時內無法完成一圈,也會遭到淘汰。如果你決定棄權不再跑下一圈,請務必告訴我們的工作人員。

6. 比賽將在剩下最後一位跑者時結束,最後一位堅持到底的跑者也要完成最後一圈才算勝出。

Taipei Backyard Ultra Course Overview

Nice views of Taipei’s famous YangMingShan as well as Taipei 101. Riverside course with lots of views of nearby nature.

The Course Map for Taipei Backyard Ultra

The venue for Taipei Backyard Ultra will be set up at a coffee shop right under Shezi Bridge (社子大橋), a popular biker pit stop.

Read About Previous Taipei Backyard Ultra Edition

The previous edition of Taipei Backyard Ultra coverage in Running Notes.